Embattled Merrimack County Sheriff Scott Hilliard, who was convicted of drunken driving last month and added to a list of problem law enforcement officers last week, will resign at the end of March, he said in a letter dated Wednesday.
The Republican has held the job for 13 years. Shortly after his conviction, he said he had not ruled out running for an eighth term.
Gov. Chris Sununu had said Hilliard should resign. Last week, Attorney General Gordon MacDonald placed Hilliard on the Laurie list, the secret list of police and law enforcement officers who pose potential credibility problems if their cases go to trial.
Meanwhile, Hilliard has appealed his conviction to the New Hampshire Supreme Court. Hilliard’s lawyer, Jared Bedrick, asked the justices to decide whether blood tests could be used at trial despite a finding that Hilliard’s Aug. 9 warrantless arrest was illegal.
Hilliard’s five-day jail sentence has been on hold pending appeal.