Investigation Team

Paul Ciolino
Private Investigator

Joe Moura
Private Investigator
A case of injustice
During the past 30 years, we have worked on hundreds of defense investigations, and, without question, the criminal investigation, conviction and sentencing of Jesse Brooks ranks up there with the worst miscarriages of justice we have ever encountered. The only saving grace in this matter is that Jesse was not given a death sentence and thus, this is a conviction we hope will be undone. That is why we are working exhaustively to investigate - and reexamine - every aspect of his case.
Here’s what we have found:
Jesse had no prior knowledge of any plot to kill anyone.
There was exculpatory evidence that shows phone calls between the conspirators did not involve Jesse in any plan.
There is no confession.
There is no physical evidence of any kind to link Jesse Brooks to this crime.
Every witness in this case was a snitch or a co-conspirator who cut a deal and perjured himself when testifying.
There were no records or any credible testimony supporting the State’s contention that Jesse participated in a murder for hire plan by giving money to those involved with the killing.
The testimony of the witnesses claiming Jesse Brooks was a co-conspirator could not be corroborated in any manner with any supporting evidence.
There was not a single witness who ever testified that Jesse Brooks was a co-conspirator to murder who was not offered an incentive to testify.
No witness has ever testified to the truthfulness or character of any of the witnesses against Jesse Brooks.
In the meantime, as we gather evidence that may help free Jesse, he is serving a sentence that is, arguably, cruel and unusual. He has been placed in an isolation cell for over two years and is not allowed any privileges that prisoners generally receive. He is treated more harshly and unfairly than any prisoner we have ever encountered. For no apparent reason, he was transferred from the New Hampshire Department of Corrections to Arizona.
He is not - nor has he ever been - a threat or security risk. Yet, he is treated as a professional criminal and hardened convict. Prior to this wrongful conviction, Jesse Brooks had never been convicted of a crime of violence.
The continued and unabated harassment and punitive treatment of Jesse Brooks for a crime that he didn’t commit continues to this day. This is the primary reason that we have taken the very unusual step of taking this case public. We believe that after having conducted dozens of interviews in this matter, reviewing tens of thousands of pages of discovery, and reviewing all the known facts, that Jesse Brooks is not only innocent, but was the victim of an organized and state sanctioned conspiracy to convict him at any cost.
Through this website, we hope to:
Inform the public of this gross miscarriage of justice.
Locate and receive leads from individuals who may have relevant information in this case.
Locate other victims of misconduct by the authorities involved in this case.
Locate any witnesses who have been victimized by the people who testified against Jesse Brooks.
If you believe in justice and you believe in Jesse, contact us to sign up for updates, post your comments or provide relevant information confidentially.